We have said goodbye to some folks since I last blogged, but I have to say that the only one I really disagreed with was Alexis Grace. And not because I thought she could win the whole thing, but because I thought she deserved to tour before Michael Sarver. The rest were just a wash for me. I am proud to say that America is pretty much getting it right every week. But, don't forget, on the off chance America gets it wrong (ie: American finally wakes up and realizes Gokey sucks) we still have the judges save to look forward to. I honestly believe only a few people have a chance of being saved and I don't think those people are Anoop, Matt or Kris. That save is all about Lil, Adam and Gokey, otherwise known as the producers babies.
But, now we are getting to the tough part of the competition. With only seven contestants remaining, it gets harder each week to weed out the crap (Lil) and keep in the talented and current artists (Anoop). I would say out of the seven left, I am only emotionally invested in three; Anoop, Matt and Adam.
I have been saying it from the beginning, Lil Rounds is much too overrated and as we are finding out, yes she can sing (kinda), but she completely lacks the ability to infuse anything special into any song she sings. She is no Fantasia ladies and gentleman. In my book, she is out.
I have had beef with Gokey from the beginning. I give him credit for realizing that showing images of your dead wife on national television will at first get you votes, but later lose you votes. I gotta believe this guy is reading the blogs and noticing the backlash. But now that we are past the mourning period, he has just entered an annoying period. I hate his dancing, I hate his outfits, I hate his smile. Again, like I said, when I see him, I finally understand how CT must feel when he arrives at the RW/RR challenges and feels the need to immediately almost kill someone. But, I am working on managing my anger and accepting that he may be in the finale and that I may develop a drinking problem.
For me, Kris and Allison are great musicians and they have both had performances that I have loved, but I have no investment in them whatsoever. Which may be even worse than my hate toward Gokey, at least I have emotion towards him. I really enjoy Kris's Jason Mrazy like vibe, but I don't see a star. I see a guy who will have short lived popularity and then his perky wife will get preggers and demand he be home where they will retreat into domestic bliss wearing matching cooking aprons. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but that equation doesn't make an American Idol.
I am not sure where things go wrong for me with Allison. I really do like most of her performances and I think she is great at making a song her own, but something doesn't work. Maybe it's the forty year-old chain smoker that comes out in her. And it's obviously not working for just me considering the time she has spent in the bottom three. I do think/hope she will be the last girl standing, but I don't think she will be standing a lot longer.
With those four out of the picture, let's focus on what I hope will be the final three; Adam, Anoop and Matt. Each three have had one disastrous performance (Ring of Fire, Beat It, that Fray song), but beyond those performances, I think they have all be brilliant otherwise. I worry about the time that Anoop and Matt have spent in the bottom three/two, but I continue to carry faith that America will realize Anoop is much more than 30,000 votes better than Scott McIntyre.
Right now this competition is Adam's to lose and I really don't believe he will. He has brought such originality and musicality to his performances that even middle America has been able to look past his nail polish and make-up (however, I'm not sure that his dad has) and keep him in this competition.
This coming weeks theme is Idol at the Movies and I think that gives everyone a great chance to do well. It's all been coming down to song selection and with Quentin Tarantino as the mentor it could be a great show or a real disaster. Let's just pray that they don't let him guest judge again. Lord knows we don't need another judge.
Nice post there Em, I am sorry that your blood pressure raises each time you hear Gokey even warming up his voice but I understand. I think I actually agree with you on the majority of this post although I do like Allison, while I don't like the disgusting habit of smoking, I do like her voice and her vibe but I don't think it carries her to a win. Adam is in a league of his own and I do look forward to hearing his selection and performance each week. Mostly though I like reading your writing and your blog.
ReplyDeleteTHanks and keep it up.
Having missed some recent shows, through no fault of my own, it difficult for me to make knowledgeable observations. However, some of the performances have shown up, briefly, on YouTube and I am still a huge Glambert. But I have to say, I am still bummed that Alexis Grace had an early exit, especially since she left on country week, something she should have excelled at. I agree Michael Starver should not be touring this summer nor should Meghan. But Alexis should be touring over not just them, but some who are still in the competition.
ReplyDeleteWith the exception of Adam and one or two performances from Anoop, Matt and Chris, and one very nice performance from Alison,I still think one of the best performances (and I bought the ITunes song) was from someone who didn't even make the 12 Wild Card Picks, Ju'Not Joyner. His version of Delilah was so soulful and so much better than the original that it is one of the biggest injustices that he at least didn't get another week to make it to the Wild Card. And he sang it while having terrible asthma.
I agree Gokey is just a younger version of Taylor Hicks and has no special personality or talent that AI needs to put out there. Kelly Clarkson had an edge and that really helped the show. Adam could do the same for the show if America votes it right.